Make Your Training RAD!
Want to improve your training course? Make it RAD!
R.A.D. is a quick acronym I made up. Use it to remember to make your training:
(Note: Yes, I know acronyms can be overused! But research shows that acronyms help people remember - so let’s stick with this one.)
First of all, make sure what you are presenting is relevant to your audience. Does it fill a need? Does the information you are presenting help them in their roles? Can you solve a problem they are having?
Secondly, design your training to have active participation. This could include offering hands-on experience with a product, role-playing a customer interaction, or giving participants time to put their new knowledge to work right there during the training.
Finally, be sure to make discussion a central part of your training. Participants will learn an incredible amount from their peers, especially if they have similar challenges and goals. Best of all, people tend to remember the stories and first-hand experiences of others.
Though it is tempting to focus on the content first when designing training, it is important to take a moment and really understand your audience, their needs, and the best way to engage them. By remembering to make your training RAD, you help ensure that all of your participants are actively engaged in learning.