Trusted Tester Certification and Instructional Design

I recently completed the Trusted Tester process through the Department of Homeland Security. This course is designed to give a solid understanding of 508 accessibility conformance. I thought I would share some general information about the course and the certificate, as well as answer questions that fellow instructional designers may have about it.

Person at a computer taking notes

What is a Trusted Tester?

A Trusted Tester is someone who has gone through the course, passed the exam, and received a certificate from the Department of Homeland Security. A Trusted Tester can test websites and software for compliance with Section 508 accessibility standards. The accessibility criteria are based on WCAG standards for the web, but can also be used with software projects.

Why Complete the Trusted Tester process?

As an instructional designer, the more we understand accessibility, the better! The Trusted Tester process goes over many concepts you may already be familiar with, such as the use of alt tags and closed captioning. However, it goes beyond this to include things like reading order, form field behavior, and how tables should be structured. Going through the process helps IDs consider accessibility as they build e-learning courses, leading to more robust and accessible learning products. In addition, many of the elements of the Trusted Tester process also relate to UX design, leading to products that are of higher quality.

Section 508 conformance is increasingly recommended or required for web content, software, and e-learning projects created for the federal government, the healthcare industry, and public education (both K-12 and higher ed).

How will the knowledge gained help an instructional designer?

Many instructional designers already have a basic understanding of accessibility, either due to coursework or their own research. However, the Trusted Tester program ensures a more thorough understanding. Specifically, the program delves into items that are behind the scene, such as programming, that affect how accessibility tools such as screen readers handle the structure of an e-learning module. The Trusted Tester process also gives you a systematic way of checking courses for accessibility, so you can ensure that all users can get the most out of your courses.

What is the cost of the Trusted Tester program and certificate?

Here’s the good news: it is completely free!

How do I become a Trusted Tester?

You can create an account on the DHS training site. If you have any trouble setting up your account, you can email them at Once you have your account, you can register for the course. The first part of the course is an overview of accessibility needs and the reasoning behind the standards. Then, the course moves on to specific criteria you will be testing for. The course then contains practical examples, practice tests, and the final exam.

Make sure to take notes while you are going through the course, as well as when you are taking the practice tests. The final exam is an open-note test, so you are allowed to look back at your notes while taking it.

Note: You must access your account every 30 days to keep it active. Make sure you do this, so you don’t have to start over from the beginning!

How long does the process take?

The time the course takes can vary, depending on your prior understanding of accessibility criteria and your note-taking style. In general, it is estimated to take between 40 and 80 hours.

What is the final exam like?

Honestly, the final exam can be a little tricky. Even if you know the concepts being tested, it can be difficult to make judgement calls about the example websites and criteria of each multiple choice answer. Here are a few tips to help:

  • Take detailed notes during the course

  • Take note of the practice problems, your answer, and the solution. Try to determine why the solution was the best choice.

  • Refer back to the Trusted Tester process document. This is a PDF you can download from the website.

  • Use the forum to see what previous students have asked. There may be a response there that offers some clarity on a topic or question type that you are struggling with. When I completed the Trusted Tester process, there was an archived forum that had many questions and responses. The current, active forum had far fewer questions posted. You can ask questions in the active forum, as well, but it may take some time to get a response.

  • Make sure you are focusing on the criteria being tested for each question. There may be example web pages that fail for a different criteria, but pass for the criteria in the question (and vice versa).

  • Learn from the practice test as much as possible.

  • Remember to take your time. You need an 85% correct score to pass. Don’t rush! The final exam will take a few hours to complete.

What is the certification like?

After passing the final exam, you will get an email confirmation. It takes a little while for your actual certificate to arrive - also via email. You will have a unique Trusted Tester Certificate number that you will include when you are writing up 508 accessibility reports. Another piece of good news: your certificate has no expiration date! You may want to add your certificate to your LinkedIn profile and your resume. Be proud! Passing the Trusted Tester exam is not easy. Celebrate your accomplishment and feel confident about your knowledge of accessibility standards.


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