Will AI Replace Instructional Designers?

Robot popping out of a phone screen saying "Hi! How can I help you?" next to person with question marks

Of course no one knows the future, but if I were to make a prediction, I would say “yes and no.” Not a very satisfying answer! But let me explain.

Fewer Jobs

Will you get ready for work one day and walk in to see a robot sitting at your desk? No, nothing like that. I don’t think AI will replace ID jobs on a one-to-one basis. However, I do think that gradually over time there will be a need for less people on any given team. This is not just true in ID, but at most workplaces. If you are interested, the book “Futureproof” describes this very well. When your work takes less time, fewer people are hired. Maybe someone leaves and is not replaced. Or, possibly people take on a broader range of roles in the company - which means fewer people are needed.

Less Time for the Same Results

If instructional designers are looking at using AI solely to assist with their current tasks, many of these tasks will be done with less time. I’m thinking of things like research, summarizing research, and communicating it in a way that is easy to digest. Also, tasks like video editing and voice over work will become much faster with AI.

Most Important ID Work is Human

Despite the amazing things AI can do now and will do in the future, human instructional designers are still needed. Why? Because learners are human as well.

Let’s think about why instructional design is needed in the first place. Is it a lack of information? Often not! Many courses and trainings are built on information that is already available to the learner through the internet or documentation.

However, people are busy and often need the structure of a course or training to ensure important learning gets done. For example, could an employee look up import regulations themselves through the U.S. Customs website? Sure. Will they? Not likely.

In addition, research has shown that adults learn best through social construction. Humans need other humans to bounce ideas off of, share insights, connect and motivate each other, and relate what they are learning to business goals. Unless AI knows every detail about your business and all of the people in it (which sounds pretty risky!), this is an impossible task for a computer algorithm.

Wisdom Over Knowledge

AI has more knowledge than a human, but it has yet to develop more wisdom. The real, core work of an instructional designer is to think critically and make wise decisions. IDs need to solve problems while looking at the business as a whole. They need to assess possible solutions knowing the business needs and people involved.

Amazing Opportunity

So, no - AI will not replace instructional designers but it may mean smaller teams in the future if expectations for courses and trainings stay the same. However, AI also gives us the opportunity to create things we didn’t have the time or budget for before.

AI image generating capabilities mean we can create e-learning with awe-inspiring visuals. Interactive modules can look more like video games that engage users with realistic or stylistic images.

Saving time on development means that instructional designers have more time to dive deeply into needs analysis and evaluative data. This could help IDs create more effective training that moves the needle more. By improving the skillset of everyone in the workplace, the value IDs bring to the company is magnified. (Read more in my blog post: Why Your Organization May Be Looking at L&D ROI the Wrong Way).

AI can help instructional designers design and develop comprehensive training in a way that way that was not possible before - giving learners a more thorough and connected understanding. This leads to employees being much more effective in their roles and the company as a whole being more successful.

Our opportunity now as instructional designers is to use AI to create amazing courses and training - so amazing that people will not be satisfied to go back to simple “click next” modules or dense, inapplicable slideshows. Let’s use the time AI gives us to up our game to the next level.

Further Thoughts!

AI is changing rapidly and so are my thoughts! Here are some more things to ponder:

Why AI May Lead to More Instructional Design Jobs, Not Fewer

Note: This blog post written without the assistance of AI. :)


Why AI May Lead to More Instructional Design Jobs, Not Fewer


Activity Ideas for Instructor-Led Training in the Workplace